everything is under control [10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY RELEASE]

by Trillion

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    Immediate download of 17 track LP in your choice of 320k mp3, FLAC, or more options...
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wake up 02:44


Reflection of the times?
Or prediction of the future? You decide.

EVERYTHING IS UNDER CONTROL is a collection of songs which attempt to expose crimes against humanity and paint a larger picture of a covert agenda which is currently going on in the world. It's is also music that can help to create an awareness of 'approved as safe' products which are not actually safe at all...

Over 1500 hours was spent on this project [music and videos] mostly taking place over one year - 2009. Trillion worked with and inspired many rap artists of the time. Trillion sparked the inspiration for Hugo's 'RAP NEWS' series, and also worked closely with Payday Monsanto and Lewka Peel [RIP].

Trillion's first single success from this album was with SUPERSIZE MY ASPARTAME, which was released on 24th March 2008 and immediately became a viral hit on youtube gaining 30000 plays in a few weeks [that was a lot for back then!!].

SAY NO TO THE VACCINE was also an internet [youtube] sensation, which was re uploaded about 50 times to other youtube channels and video streaming websites by fans. Collectively, this song has had about 1 million plays.

Other successful songs from the album were INVISIBLE HAZARDS IN THE WIRELESS AGE and WATER CRIMES, both songs being used for by activist groups for awareness of cellphones and fluoride.

MUFFIN SONG was created for a recipe competition in the same year - then adapted into DANGERS IN THE KITCHEN.

Both CLIMATE GATED COMMUNITY and MOON LIGHT, MOON LIES predate the 'RAP NEWS' songs on the same topics.

Also, it should be pointed out, this album destroyed any of the music industry 'credibility' Trillion may have had, also stunting radio play and interest of all previous work... Trillion was labelled a nut job in his musical community and lost many friends over some of the topics addressed - to this day many still don't speak to him.

Ironically, writing lyrics for this album was the most difficult writing/music process Trillion has ever undertaken. Have you heard how many words are in REMOTE CONTROL FREAKS? Most songs were a long process of research and labour, although the lyrics for NEW WEIRD OGRE'S were written in a few hours in a stream of thought.

Enjoy the music - many sacrifices were made to bring these ideas and music to light.


released May 1, 2020

produced by Jody Lloyd 2008-2010
[originally released May 1st 2010]

also included in the download is a large version of the cover artwork, and a 22 page pdf with all of the lyrics...


all rights reserved


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